Directed energy weapons are shaping up to be the must-have arms for the 21st century, with developments underway in several nations. In the UK, the Dragonfire consortium is working on a £30m project to produce a demonstrator for the UK. We take a look at the plans for this new capability.

We also find out what the world – and the industry – can expect from new US President Trump’s defence strategy, hear from IFS about the key trends set to disrupt the defence industry in the coming year, and find out how the UK is maintaining modern and effective land forces.

Plus, we take a look at a new hybrid solar battery and energy storage system being developed for US forward operating bases, and find out how NATO manages the relocation of its Deployable Air Command and Control Centre.

In this issue

Trump’s Forces
The 2016 US presidential election will be remembered for many things, perhaps none more bizarre than propelling ‘post-truth’ into the general lexicon. With the campaign circus now behind us, Dr Gareth Evans looks beyond the alternate facts to find out what the world can expect from America’s new Commander in Chief.
Read the article.

An Industry in Flux
As new threats and emerging technologies continue to shape the defence sector, Graham Grose, global industry director of aerospace and defence at IFS, looks at the three key trends set to impact the industry this year.
Read the article.

Strong on the Ground
Against a backdrop of international instability, maintaining modern and effective land forces is essential. Katie Woodward finds out how the UK Ministry of Defence plans to modernise the British Army from Lieutenant General Paul Jaques, chief of materiel (land) of the Defence Equipment and Support unit.
Read the article.

Powering Bases
Powering forward operating bases in remote areas with reliable power supplies is a critical capability and one that is drawing significant funding. Claire Apthorp speaks to EnerDel, which is part of a team developing a hybrid solar battery and storage system for the US Air Force.
Read the article.

A Lesson in Readiness
NATO’s Deployable Air Command and Control Centre needs to be able to pack up and deploy anywhere in the world on short notice. Claire Apthorp takes a look at recent exercises to find out how the unit is maintaining readiness.
Read the article.

Fighting Fire with Dragonfire
Directed energy weapons are shaping up to be the must-have arms for the -21st century, with developments underway in several nations. Dr Gareth Evans reports on the UK’s new demonstrator programme.
Read the article.

Next issue preview

In November, EU states agreed to create a new non-combatant military headquarters and create joint “battlegroups” for preventative intervention. We take a closer look at the project’s scope and ask whether this could be the beginning of a much-debated EU army.

We also get the latest on innovation in explosive trace detection, hear from BAE Systems about the growing requirement for cyber security skills in the defence industry, and review the success of NATO’s now completed Operation Ocean Shield.

Plus, we take a look at Airbus Defence and Space’s Zephyr, a new breed of high-altitude pseudo-satellite, and explore the capabilities of the UK’s new fleet of Predator B remotely piloted aircraft which will be purchased from the US under a $1bn deal.

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