Autonomous vehicles, augmented reality systems and advanced wireless networks were among the 50 technologies showcased during a recent US Navy and Marine Corps’ exercise. With a focus on ship-to-shore manoeuvre, weapons fire support, clearing assault lanes, command and control, and information warfare, we ask what this exercise tells us about the future of littoral combat.

Also in this issue, we take a look at Qinetiq’s electric hub-drive technology for armoured vehicles and review the strategic role of the F-35 in Europe now that training is well underway.

Plus, we check in with a US Air Force pilot project testing a ‘smart base’ concept and look at the UK MoD’s efforts to improve the ‘last mile’ of troop resupply with autonomous technologies by drawing on the rapid progress of innovations such as delivery drones in the private sector.

In this issue

Revolutionising Vehicle Design
A novel electric drive technology from QinetiQ could usher in a fundamental shift in the way armoured vehicles are built in future, as Dr Gareth Evans reports.
Read the article.

Autonomy on the Last Mile
The UK Minister for Defence Procurement Harriett Baldwin has challenged industry and academia to design autonomous systems to resupply frontline troops. Claire Apthorp takes a look at the requirements and asks what the MoD hopes to achieve .
Read the article.

Reducing Musculoskeletal Injuries in the Armed Forces
Britain’s armed forces routinely battle a largely unseen enemy which, despite being responsible for significant loss of both operational readiness and ultimately even personnel from active service, nevertheless remains essentially unknown and often untreatable. Dr Gareth Evans reports.
Read the article.

Up and Away
The arrival of F-35 Lightning IIs at RAF Lakenheath at the start of their first ever deployment outside of the US back in April marked a significant milestone for an aircraft which has been making the headlines for all the wrong reasons. Dr Gareth Evans reports.
Read the article.

Maxwell: smart base pilot kicks off
AT&T has announced it is working with Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama, to pilot a more efficient and effective “smart base.” Claire Apthorp spoke to those involved to find out more about the pilot and talk early results.
Read the article.

The Future of Littoral Warfare
Autonomous vehicles, augmented reality systems and advanced wireless networks were among over 50 new technologies showcased during a recent US military exercise. Claire Apthorp tuned in as experts from across the industry and military came together to explore new avenues of technological development.
Read the article.

Next issue preview

The Netherlands’ annual defence expenditure is forecast to grow from $9.4bn in 2018 to $10.7bn by 2022, propelled mainly by a need to modernise and commitments to reach NATO guidelines to spend a minimum of 2% of GDP on defence. We ask where the money is going and what role the Dutch defence ministry see for itself in the future global defence picture.

Also in the next issue, we check in on progress in the race to perfect missile interception systems, and take a look at a project by the US Air Force and Raytheon to provide secure identification friend-or-foe equipment in a bid to help safeguard aircraft.

Plus, we speak to lawyers from the University of Exeter about their work on a manual setting out the legalities of warfare in outer space, investigate cyber security concerns surrounding the UK’s Trident programme, and hear about the challenges of naval construction logistics.

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