Raytheon Company has received a $235m contract from the US Navy to produce Standard Missile-6 (SM-6) all-up round production missiles and spares, which are to be installed on the Aegis combat system-equipped destroyers and cruisers.

Delivery of the missiles is expected to start in the next year.

The US Space and Naval Warfare System Command (SPAWAR) has selected CSRA LLC in support of the US Navy’s out of the continental US (OCONUS) Naval Enterprise Network (ONE-Net).

The contract allows CSRA to license OCONUS ONE-Net for continued delivery of IT services to OCONUS Navy shore during the network transition.

The $39.14m contract has a base period of one year, followed by two six-month extension options.

"DynCorp International has secured a contract worth $546m to provide aviation maintenance and logistical support for the Naval Test Wing Atlantic's rotary, fixed-wing, and unmanned aircraft."

DynCorp International has secured a contract worth $546m to provide aviation maintenance and logistical support for the Naval Test Wing Atlantic's rotary, fixed-wing, and unmanned aircraft.

The contract has an initial base period of one year plus four optional years.

The US Navy’s Military Sealift Command has awarded a $47.3m contract modification to Crowley Government Services Inc in support of ocean surveillance ships (T-AGOS) and missile range instrumentation ships (T-AGM).

The modification requires Crowley to provide operation and maintenance services for five T-AGOS and two T-AGM ships over a one-year period.

Piriou and DCNS joint venture Kership has secured a contract from France's Directorate General of Armaments (DGA) to build a fourth Batiment Multi-Mission (B2M) vessel. The vessel is scheduled to be delivered in 2018.