ECA Group's unmanned mine countermeasure integrated system (UMIS) installed on-board the Kazakhstan Navy's new 10750E-class mine hunter has successfully completed its sea acceptance trials (SAT).
UMIS is the company’s collaborative integrated system of autonomous underwater and surface drones.
The first Kazakhstan Navy mine hunter reached Aktau through the rivers and channels by the end of the winter. It was constructed by the Sredne-Nevskiy Shipyard (SNSZ) in St Petersburg, Russia.
The mine countermeasures vessel (MCMV) is equipped with ECA Group’s mine countermeasure (MCM) system, and will be capable of surveying and protecting the North Eastern coasts of the Caspian Sea in a completely autonomous mode, which will ultimately increase the safety of the vessel and its crew members.
UMIS mine-warfare systems comprise autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) A9, identification and mine disposal vehicles (EMDS) K-STER and a single multifunction console integrated with a mission management software suite.
The system offers a fast and cost-effective solution to MCM operations, ranging from initial seabed survey, target detection and classification, through to final identification and neutralisation.
The A9 AUV and identification vehicle K-STER I has been equipped with high-resolution sonar and video camera and is not limited to MCM missions. It will also provide the navy with maritime surveillance capabilities such as search and rescue (SAR) operations.
ECA Group has also collaborated with a local company that will be responsible for carrying out the maintenance of the system, as well as the training the vessel’s crew.