The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) has launched its latest Independence-class littoral mission vessel (LMV), named Indomitable, at Singapore Technologies Marine's (ST Marine) Benoi shipyard.
Indomitable is the fifth of the eight LMVs that will be built for the RSN under an agreement that was signed between the Singapore Defence Ministry and ST Engineering in 2013.
Speaker of the Parliament of Singapore Tan Chuan-Jin said: “The LMV demonstrates how the RSN continues to strengthen its capabilities for the future and continues to safeguard our sea lines of communication.
“At 50 years, the RSN has come a long way since her humble beginnings with just two wooden boats to today's professional and well-respected maritime force.”
The LMVs are faster than previous models and can be easily configured with mission modules to carry out a wide range of operations, enabling the crew to provide calibrated responses using lethal and non-lethal options to deal with varied maritime threats.
The ships have been designed to bolster the navy's effectiveness in seaward defence and protect the country’s vital sea lines of communication.
They will replace the Singapore Navy’s existing Fearless-class Patrol Vessels, which have been in service with the navy for about 20 years.
RSS Independence was the first ship of the Independence class to be constructed. It was launched on 3 July 2015 and commissioned on 5 May this year.
The navy’s fourth Independence-class LMV, known as Justice, was also launched on 18 March.
The second and third ships are named Unity and Sovereignty, and were launched on 16th April and 13 October last year respectively.
RSN's remaining three sister vessels will be known as Fortitude, Dauntless and Fearless, and are yet to be launched.
The entire fleet of LMVs is expected to be fully operational by 2020.
Image: Speaker of Parliament Mr Tan Chuan-Jin delivering a speech at the launching ceremony of the fifth littoral mission vessel, Indomitable. Photo: courtesy of the Government of Singapore.