The Republic of Singapore Navy has selected Kelvin Hughes to supply a SharpEye navigation radar for its Independence-class littoral mission vessel (LMV) programme.

Under the contract, seven LMVs will be fitted with the I-Band SharpEye system that is already installed on the lead ship of the fleet, Independence.

The first LMV, which was delivered in May this year, features Kelvin Hughes’ two I-Band (X-band) SharpEye systems.

"We are delighted to be helping the Republic of Singapore Navy to maximise the effectiveness of its new LMV fleet."

Under the Singapore Navy’s LMV programme, the eight newly built LMVs will replace the navy’s current Fearless-class patrol vessels, and can be modified to engage in a range of operations.

Kelvin Hughes regional sales manager Alan Koong said: “We are delighted to be helping the Republic of Singapore Navy to maximise the effectiveness of its new LMV fleet.

“This is a further vote of confidence in our industry-leading SharpEye technology which is currently being employed by 27 of the world’s navies.”

The SharpEye solid-state radar transceiver is capable of emitting a low power, patented pulse sequence and does not need a magnetron.

The doppler radar processing offers information regarding a target's velocity and improves the probability of detection of small objects with a low radar cross section.

The radar system uses a series of electronic filters to differentiate between targets of interest and clutter, while customisable waveforms can be configured for specific threats.

This year, Kelvin Hughes has successfully installed and commissioned a SharpEye radar system on the South African Navy’s fleet replenishment ship, SAS Drakensberg.

Image: Kelvin Hughes’ SharpEye radar system. Photo: courtesy of Kelvin Hughes Limited.