OceanWorks has successfully completed system upgrades for the Italian Navy’s third Hardsuit atmospheric diving system (ADS), marking the completion of a major survey and upgrade of the navy’s ADS fleet to the Quantum II.

Started in December last year, the upgrades were intended to bring the third ADS to the same standards as the first two suits that were upgraded and delivered in 2012 and 2013, respectively.

The system has been designed to support a range of missions for the military, including search, salvage, aircraft crash site investigation and recovery, test weapons recovery, and submarine emergency ventilation and decompression system (SEVDS) deployment.

In addition, it can be used for emergency life-support stores pod posting, acoustic and degaussing range service and inspection, harbour and defence infrastructure inspection, equipment deployment and recovery, as well as mine countermeasures support.

"The system has been designed to support a range of missions for the military, including search, salvage, and aircraft crash site investigation."

OceanWorks delivered enhancements to the subsea thrusters and design upgrades to the buoyancy and backpack system in order to accommodate the changes in the physical alignment and weight of the Quantum II.

The ADS received improvements to its communication, electronic, power distribution, and support equipment.

The upgraded ADS is expected to enable the Italian Navy to increase its diving and submarine rescue capabilities, the company stated.

The improvements works were carried out at the company’s Burnaby facility in British Columbia, Canada.

The Hardsuit ADS is also currently in service with the navies of Australia, France, Italy, Japan, Russia, Singapore, Turkey, the UK, and the US.