Read the latest issue of Global Defence Technology.

Logistics is critically important to the military – lives are at stake with every decision. With budgetary constraints and new mission requirements placing significant demands on logistical support, we investigate how commanders and contractors can achieve safer, more efficient operations and which software systems are available to help them tackle this challenging task.

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Also in this issue

Snipers have for many years formed a highly effective and specialised force. In today’s conflict environments, as forces face asymmetric foes in vast open terrain and in confined urban settings, the sniper’s value as a key battlefield asset has once again come to the fore. At the same time, the unique demands of recent and current missions have had a major impact on the development and deployment of sniper technology. We explore the latest range of sniper equipment available to forces today.

Read more in the army section of this issue.

Air force
The unmanned aerial systems industry remains strong as it adapts to the evolving requirements of armed forces. We talk to leading manufacturers BAE Systems, Lockheed Martin and Elbit Systems about their latest technologies and market strategies, and how they work with the military to develop new systems to meet the latest mission requirements. With UAVs becoming ever more important to a wide range of missions, we also find out about the work that is being done to ensure these systems can operate safely in airspace shared with other aircraft.

Read more in the air force section of this issue.

As a new generation of warships gears up to transform navies into versatile, networked and deadly fighting forces, the challenge for today’s training programmes is to ensure crew members can capitalise on their vessels’ combat potential. The Royal Navy’s is tackling the challenge with a new £108m maritime composite training system which is set to revolutionise naval training in the UK. We ask developer BAE Systems about the system’s potential and how it could help the navy to train for the latest generation of platforms such as the Type 45 destroyer and the Queen Elizabeth class carriers.

Read more in the navy section of this issue.

Next issue preview

Spiralling energy costs have left militaries seeking efficient power sources. In the next issue we explore the top contenders, from soldier-mounted solar panels to biofuels, and profile BAE’s structural battery, which could break new ground for portable military power solutions.

We also investigate the facts behind the Indian Army’s F-INSAS soldier tech programme, find out how the Australian Navy’s overhaul projects affecting shipyards and naval ports in the country, and explore the engines that will power the three variants of the world’s most modern fighter aircraft, the F-35 Lightning II.

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