The multi-national, British Royal Navy-led Coalition Task Force (CTF) Sentinel has formally shifted to new operational headquarters (HQ) in Bahrain.

CTF Sentinel was established last year and has been operating from two large air-conditioned tents for the first nine months.

It will now operate from facilities at the US Naval Base in Bahrain.

The Royal Navy stated that the new and improved operations centre will enhance information flow and ensure increased coordination in merchant shipping tracking in major waterways in the Gulf.

CTF Sentinel offers additional safety and peace to tankers and cargo ships during increased tensions in the region.

The International Maritime Security Construct is a partnership of the UK, Australia, Albania, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Lithuania, the UAE and the US.

All eight countries have stated their commitment to work together to ensure safe shipping.

They provide personnel or military resources for the Sentinel Task Force, including ships, patrol vessels and aircraft.

US Fifth Fleet commander and Gulf region senior coalition naval officer vice-admiral Jim Malloy said: “This coalition fulfils a much-needed role. Its watchwords of ‘vigilance, surveillance, and assurance’ tell you exactly what CTF Sentinel is about and why the task force plays such a key role in the region.

“They are providing the much-needed collective eyes and ears to some of the world’s most congested, contested waters.”

HMS Montrose is currently deployed to the Gulf region together with HMS Argyll, which is on a regular Middle East deployment.