Damen Naval has chosen OSI Maritime Systems (OSI) to provide a complete navigation suite for the German Navy’s F126 programme.
The contract includes the provision of ECPINS-powered integrated bridge management systems (IBMS) for the frigates. It also covers land-based test and training sites.
ECPINS is a military-grade navigation software designed for ships and submarines. It forms the centre of OSI’s IMO type-approved Integrated Navigation System – MSC 252(83).
It is a known Warship Electronic Chart Display and Information System (WECDIS) among Nato and allied navies.
OSI Maritime Systems president and CEO Ken Kirkpatrick said: “It’s an honour to have the German Navy as our 24th customer and have the navy experience the exceptional capabilities of OSI’s Warship IBMS and WECDIS systems.
“More so, the system design will share the same commonality, scalability, and ECPINS navigation performance with that of other Nato and allied customers.”
Under the F126 programme, the IBMS will be incorporated into the Thales TACTICOS Management System.
The IBMS system will help provide the position navigation and time (PNT) for all the systems and networks of F126.
OSI Maritime Systems Business Development vice-president Jim Davison said: “ECPINS is ideally suited to the German Navy because ECPINS pilotage features are all based upon the Royal Navy BR45 Navigation series and are employed by the majority of Nato and close allied navies.
“In addition, ECPINS also provides powerful operational benefits, such as a military-grade chart engine, advanced automatic Pool of Errors, GNSS Denied, and Tactical Data Sharing between Surface ships and small craft ECPINS”.
The Damen-led team is building four new F126 frigates for the German Navy together with its partners Blohm+Voss and Thales.
The four ships will serve as multi-mission platforms and will be armed with a 127mm main gun with Vulcano extended-range precision ammunition.
The German Navy is expected to receive the first ship in 2028.
In June this year, Damen Naval signed a contract with ship classification society DNV to provide certification services for the new F126 frigates.