US President Donald Trump has submitted a budget request of $207.1bn for the Department of the Navy (DON) for fiscal 2021 that includes major investments in research and development portfolios.

The Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21) President’s Budget submission (PB21) represents an increase of $1.9bn (0.9%) from the FY20 enacted budget (base+OCO), minus $4.8bn added by Congress in Natural Disaster funding received by the navy in FY20.

PB21 supports the implementation of the National Defense Strategy (NDS) and balances priorities to increase existing and future naval power.

Initially, the budget recapitalises the COLUMBIA strategic ballistic missile submarine and sustains the navy’s readiness recovery to deliver credible forces to win the fight.

PB21 also pursues increased lethality and targets those areas of modernisation with potential to deliver non-linear combat advantages.

The budget is expected to deliver a larger overall navy and a better force through investments that improve its legacy platforms.

It includes military construction funds for 32 projects. Research and development increases 5% from FY20 and provides new capabilities in various technologies that are crucial to maintaining DON’s competitive advantage.

The budget also provides for a deployable battle force of 306 ships in FY21, which supports 11 aircraft carriers and 33 amphibious ships.

A total of 15 battle force ships will be delivered and six will be retired.

Additionally, eight new-construction battle force ships will be procured in FY21. The procurement will also fund 44 battle force ships / 17 unmanned vessels across the Future Years Defense Plan (FYDP).

Aircraft procurement will fund 121 fixed-wing, rotary-wing, unmanned airframes in FY21 and 537 airframes across the FYDP.

The budget also includes funding for key readiness programmes such as depot maintenance, operations, flying hours, marine corps expeditionary equipment, and facilities sustainment to 81% of the sustainment model.

The PB21 will also see an increase in funding for overseas contingency operations by 13.8%.