Engineering services company Engility has secured a five-year SeaPort-e task order to deliver software engineering and production support to the US Navy’s tactical afloat and submarine local-area networks.

The Tactical Network (TACNET) Technical and Production Support task order is valued at $90m and has been awarded by the US Navy’s Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Atlantic.

Engility president, chairman and CEO Lynn Dugle said: “Engility’s cyber-security, software and systems engineering expertise will continue to help the navy field their next-generation tactical afloat networks.

“Building flexibility, resiliency and adaptability into these networks will keep the navy’s information technology infrastructure operating effectively well into the 21st century.”

“Building flexibility, resiliency and adaptability into these networks will keep the navy’s information technology infrastructure operating effectively well into the 21st century.”

The latest task order will see company provide support to a number of US Navy Integrated Product Teams working on fleet afloat tactical networks.

The initiative is anticipated to assist a wide range of programmes of record, including the automated digital network system, submarine local area network, integrated shipboard network systems and consolidated afloat network enterprise systems (CANES).

TACNET is a group of systems integrated on-board a range of US Navy ships and submarines, as well as at shore-based sites.

SeaPort-e is the US Navy’s electronic platform, which has been designed to help procure support services across 22 functional areas such as engineering, financial management and programme management.

The Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR), Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP), the Office of Naval Research, US Marine Corps and Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) currently invite more than 1,800 SeaPort-e IDIQ multiple award contract holders to compete for deals to support their various service requirements.