The US Navy has announced the successful completion of Fleet Mission Testing of the first two E-2D Advanced Hawkeye Distributed Readiness Trainers (D-DRT).

Testing was completed at naval air station (NAS) Norfolk in Virginia and are viewed as ‘Ready for Training (RFT)’.

The Delta System Software Configuration 3 (DSSC-3) aircrew trainers were delivered five months ahead of schedule.

According to Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), these are the first DSSC-3 trainers for the fleet.

The trainers offer a low-cost, medium fidelity device for the carrier airborne early warning pilots and naval flight officers to train.

This device enables a full ‘E-2D crew of two pilots and three flight officers’ to practice. It implements a complete set of intermediate and advanced tactics, including mission-critical coordination skills.

Airborne Command, Control and Logistics Wing (ACCLOGWING) deputy commodore captain Chris ‘Mullet’ Hulitt said: “The D-DRT provides a unique capability above other E-2D training devices to support ‘reps and sets’ in execution-based advanced integrated tactical skills, where a medium fidelity device meets the training need.

“The improved operating system gives instructors the ability to push aircrew through more advanced and complex tactical scenarios.”

The E-2D training devices use touch screen technology to simulate weapons system controls.

These devices leverage commercial-off-the shelf hardware and software, which makes them easier to maintain, improve reliability, and reduce lifecycle costs.

E-2/C-2 Training Systems Integrated Product team lead David Adams said: “These devices prove that with exceptional government-industry cooperation, coordination and communication, these types of efforts can be accomplished in a fraction of normal acquisition time from contract award to delivery.”

The E-2D Advanced Hawkeye has a new radar system, theatre missile defence capabilities, multi-sensor integration and a Northrop Grumman Navigation Systems tactical glass cockpit.