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A former Royal Navy medic from the New Forest temporarily has re-joined the service to support the battle against coronavirus (Covid-19).

After serving eight years as a Royal Navy medical assistant, Jordan Holland re-joined as a medical assistant officer in the Royal Naval Reserve.

Following her return to HMS Nelson in Portsmouth, she was deployed to one of the MOD’s Joint Hospital Group.

Holland said: “It’s an unprecedented time for the world, but it’s great to feel like you can do something.

“It’s fantastic watching all services come together, the NHS, police forces, delivery personnel and shop workers, holding this all together. It feels good to be a part of it and as I was already a qualified navy medic that seemed the natural area for me to help in.”

The half-British, half-American soldier joined the Royal Navy in 2011 and piloted her career as a medical assistant.

During her service with the Royal Navy, she worked to curb piracy with frigate HMS Somerset.

She also worked in the medical centres of the navy’s engineering school at HMS Sultan in Gosport and provided immediate assistance to trainee Royal Marines injured in a training centre in Lympstone, Devon.

Jordan added: “Art has always been a passion and I left the navy last year so I could pursue this profession properly as was getting a lot of requests and commissions.

“I was in the process of re-joining as a Royal Naval Reserve officer. I have always and still do love the navy. You make the best kind of friends, you work so well together, it’s a whole other world. When you leave, you miss the people and the banter.”