General Dynamics Bath Iron Works (GDBIW)  has received a contract from the US Navy for the provision of planning yard services for the DDG 1000 Zumwalt-class guided missile destroyer.

The cost-plus-award-fee, cost-plus-fixed-fee, cost, and firm-fixed-price contract is valued at $26.4m and includes options. If the navy exercises the options, the overall contract value will increase to $86.7m and the performance period will be extended through to 2023.

The contract work includes design, material kitting, logistics, planning and execution. The majority of planning yard services work is expected to be undertaken in Maine.

General Dynamics Bath Iron Works president Dirk Lesko said: “We are committed to supporting the navy with high-quality, affordable post-delivery and modernisation services that contribute to the readiness and capability of the fleet around the world.

“This award indicates confidence on the part of the navy in our ability to maintain DDG 1000-class ships well into the future.”

“This award indicates confidence on the part of the navy in our ability to maintain DDG 1000-class ships well into the future.”

DDG 1000 was developed under the US Department of Defense’s DD(X) programme. The vessel is designed to support sustained operations in the littorals and land attack. It can operate as an integral part of joint and combined expeditionary forces.

Under the contract, GDBIW will also provide post-delivery and in-service lifecycle support, as well as shock qualification test and analysis.

Work is anticipated to be completed by December 2023.

The company currently manages post-delivery maintenance and modernisation activities for DDG 51-class ships and LCS-class vessels.

Last month, GDBIW secured a $910.72m contract modification from the US Navy to build a fifth DDG 51 destroyer (DDG 132).

The contract modification is part of the around $3.9bn contract awarded to the company in September last year to design and develop four DDG-51-class vessels between FY 2019 and FY 2022.