The Germany Navy has deployed its Brandenburg-class or Type F123 frigate, named Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (F218), to join the Nato’s Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF).

The ship, along with a crew of 210 members, has been deployed in the northern flank area of operation, which includes the North Sea, the Baltic Sea and the North Atlantic Sea.

During this deployment, the Brandenburg-class frigate will serve as the flagship of the new German commander of the Nato unit for a period of next six months.

The maritime unit of the Nato’s rapid reaction force will be led by the flotilla admiral Thorsten Marx.

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern captain commander Hendrik Wißler said: “This time, the ship will serve as the flagship of the new German commander of the Nato unit for six months.

“Overall, in the context of ‘deterrence and reassurance’, we can expect various large-scale Nato manoeuvres alternating with presence operations.”

Created in 2014, Nato’s VJTF is the highest-readiness element of Nato’s Response Force.

The leadership roles and responsibilities under this task force keep rotating every year between the allied nations.

Last year, the VJTF was led by France and this year the task will be headed by the German forces.

Other allied countries to contribute to this VJTF initiative include Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Luxembourg, Lithuania, and Slovenia.

Along with the maritime force, Germany is also deploying nearly 11,500 land troops to join the VJTF.

The deployed land troops are from different German Armed Forces’ units including Panzerbataillon 393, Artillerielehrbataillon 345, Versorgungsbataillon 131 and Transporthubschrauberregiment 30.