The German Navy has test fired RBS 15 Mk3 anti-ship missile at a land-based target in Norway, on board K130 Braunschweig-class corvette Oldenburg (F263).
This also marks the first time Oldenburg has fired the RBS 15 missile at a target on land. In the previous test firings, Oldenburg has fired RBS 15 only at sea-based targets.
The test was conducted in the northern Norwegian fjords on 18 May.
Missile Firing Exercise 2022 test director and frigate captain Nikolaus Hey said: “The total flight distance demanded different, extremely demanding routes from the guided missiles, both at sea and over land.
“The route made good use of the RBS15’s range of more than 200 kilometers, the rockets hit several hooks on their route and changed their altitude again and again.
“This basically serves to hide the exact firing point, and thus the position of the corvette, from a possible opponent.”
The RBS15 Mk3 has a large warhead and belongs to the class of heavy anti-ship missiles.
The missile can destroy stationary military infrastructure targets on land as well as can be used against mobile missile launchers, if the precise position of the target is known.
However, this data about the target is not provided by the corvettes’ sensors but is derived from other sources.
Oldenburg first guard officer Kapitänleutnant Till Niemann said: “The missile did exactly what it was supposed to do, what it was designed for.”
The procedure for firing the missile against a land-based target was same as that of a target at sea.
Oldenburg’s crew fired the RBS15 missile from a battle station, though the ship was not in a specific battle scenario.
This was to ensure the safety of the ship and crew during the test launch of the missile.