Gibbs & Cox’s DLBA Division has been selected to support the Tactical Technology Office (TTO) of the US Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) on its No Manning Required, Ship (NOMARS) programme.

NOMARS project seeks to develop a clean sheet design ship that can autonomously operate at sea for long durations without human intervention or underway maintenance.

The programme aims to demonstrate significant benefits related to size, cost, at-sea reliability and more, as well as knowledge and understanding to build affordable and reliable unmanned ships.

Gibbs & Cox is one of the seven companies that were awarded contracts last month for work on Phase I of the NOMARS programme.

The company received the Phase 1 Track A award, which involves conducting trade space exploration studies to develop novel NOMARS demonstrator conceptual designs.

In April this year, DARPA announced that it will move forward with the NOMARS programme with the release of broad agency announcement (BAA).

NOMARS is being carried out in two phases, where the first phase focuses on the trade space exploration, clean-sheet concept design development, concept maturation and preliminary design.

The company said in a statement: “We have assembled a team of subject matter experts and industry leaders to explore the many research areas of this programme, some of which are: hull, mechanical and electrical systems, self-adaptive health monitoring and predictive analytics, power generation, distribution, and energy storage, as well as advanced depot based maintenance concepts.”