The US Defence Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) has notified Congress of the potential foreign military sale (FMS) of follow-on sustainment support for S-70 helicopters to Greece.

Approved by the US State Department, the FMS has an estimated value of $162.07m.

The requested S-70 follow-on support and sustainment includes aircraft spares, repair parts, consumables, components and accessories to support S-70B/S-70B6 aircraft, existing radar and gun mount procurement.

The Government of Greece has requested for S-70 type aircraft sonar obsolescence management and repair and procurement of parts to include aircraft mission system upgrades and unclassified publications for aircraft operation and maintenance.

The US will also provide government and contractor technical assistance, expedited contractual award efforts, evaluation, tailoring solutions of technical issues, inputs to planning documents and integration, engineering, testing, obsolescence remediation, equipment upgrades, planned product improvements, integrated logistic support services.

Additionally, the FMS involves engineering analyses, studies and development/validation/test of upgrade solutions, retrofit kit procurement and subsequent installation, publications and repair of repairable efforts and other related logistics and programme support.

The principal contractor of the FMS is Lockheed Martin.

In a statement, DSCA said: “This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security objectives of the US by helping to improve security of a Nato ally, which is an important partner for political stability and economic progress in Europe.”

The DSCA noted that this support and sustainment of S-70 helicopters will enhance maritime security and stability in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

According to the agency, the FMS will provide Greece with a combatant deterrent capability to meet existing and future threats and safeguard its maritime interests and infrastructure.

It will also support Greece’s strategic location on Nato’s southern flank.