Mind Technology and its subsidiary Klein Marine Systems have completed a live Advanced Naval Technology Exercise (ANTX) at Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division (NSWC PCD).

The exercise was carried out in partnership with NSWC PCD; Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command (CNMOC) and with the Naval Oceanographic Office’s Fleet Survey Team (FST).

The live ANTX event was carried out amid the Covid-19 restrictions and the challenges caused by Hurricanes Laura and Marco.

In order to evaluate the operational and technical capabilities of the upcoming technology innovations, participants travelled across the country to Gulfport, Mississippi, and Panama City, Florida.

Klein and a team from NSWC Panama City worked together to integrate the Klein UUV 600 and µMAX technologies into the Iver3 vehicle.

Klein also collaborated with Seafloor Systems to integrate the Klein MAX View 600 gap-filling side scan sonar system with their large-format, wave adaptive HydroCat-180 USV.

The HC-180 was integrated with a winch and Towfish Launch & Recovery System (T-LARS), which was designed and tested by Seafloor Systems.

In March, Klein Marine Systems delivered the first micro-MA-X (µMA-X System) to support the US Navy’s next generation small-class unmanned undersea vehicle (UUV) evaluation.

NSWC PCD mine warfare prototyping director Todd Holland said: “The main benefits of ANTX are two-fold, the government gains first-hand interaction with emerging technology and the innovation providers gain warfighter feedback and insight on how to better work with government.

“Our team here at Panama City Division, including our test directors, test engineers, range managers, and public affairs personnel did a great job of responding to various challenges while hosting an outstanding ANTX event in collaboration with Klein Marine Systems.”