The Dynamic Mariner/Flotex-19 Nato multinational maritime exercise off the coast of Spain has been completed.
Exercise Dynamic Mariner/Flotex-19 involved two submarines, 32 surface ships, and 18 air platforms, including maritime patrol aircraft and helicopters.
The 11-day exercise brought together personnel and equipment from 18 countries, including the US, UK, Canada, France and Germany.
During the exercise, the forces performed anti-submarine, surface and anti-air warfare manoeuvres, as well as air operations and mine countermeasures to amphibious and force protection operations.
Standing Nato Maritime Group Two commander commodore Josée Kurtz said: “I would like to congratulate SPMARFOR, the Nato Response Force that will be led by Spain in 2020, for doing a tremendous job hosting and leading Dynamic Mariner.
“This was a complex and layered exercise that provided tremendous training value to participants at all levels, from the task force and task group levels to individual ships and division members.”
The exercise served as a platform to test Nato’s Response Force Maritime Component (NRF/M) and interoperability with Nato forces.
The scenarios helped increase interoperability among allied countries.
Spanish Maritime Forces commander vice-admiral Antonio Martorell Lacave said: “For my staff, this was the first of two certification periods at sea, providing us a valuable chance to hone our skills in preparation for assumption of NRF 2020.
“Looking at the big picture, this was a great chance for multiple Nato nations to come together and excel during a large, multinational joint exercise, and in doing so, to reinforce the strength and stability of our shared alliance.”
The Nato Response Force (NRF) is a multinational force designed to provide quick deployment capabilities.
The force includes land, air, maritime and special operations forces (SOF) components.