Naval Group and ECA Group have named their new consortium Belgium Naval & Robotics.
The consortium has been created as part of response to the consultation launched by Belgium for a Belgian-Dutch cooperation for the supply of 12 mine hunters.
Partner companies will offer a robotic mine warfare, which can be fully incorporated on a mine countermeasures (MCM) military vessel.
The robotic mine warfare capability is intended to provide the Belgian Navy and the Royal Netherlands Navy with a cost-effective integrated and cyber-secure solution.
Under the collaboration, both Naval Group and ECA Group have combined their entire portfolio of effective and resilient sea-proven solutions, which are already deployed in several missions with other customers.
Furthermore, the two partner firms have jointly set up a new project management team based in Belgium. The team has been formed to work with various local partners, with whom alliances have already been established.
In addition to the establishment of the Belgium Naval & Robotics consortium, Naval Group together with Italian company Fincantieri is ready to launch a new a 50 / 50 joint venture (JV) that would bolster the military naval cooperation between the companies.
The proposal for the alliance was submitted by the firms to the French and Italian governments in July.