Naval Group has announced the commencement of first sea trials of the FREMM DA Lorraine, marking an important step prior to its delivery.
The frigate will be tested in real conditions off the coast of Brittany for several days, stated the company in its Twitter feed.
Besides being the eighth, the FREMM DA Lorraine is the last multi-mission vessel to be constructed for the French Navy and will be the second FREMM of the FREMM DA type to be equipped with improved air defence capabilities.
Launched by Naval Group in November 2020 at Lorient, France, the FREMM Lorraine was ordered by the French General Directorate of Armament (DGA) on behalf of the French Navy.
The Organization for Joint Armament Cooperation (OCCAR) was responsible for programme management.
The FREMM Lorraine is the tenth unit of the FREMM series.
The trials are being conducted to test the performance of the vessel’s propulsion and navigation systems.
Many trial campaigns will then be undertaken to test all the systems in the vessel.
Around 250 people have been mobilised to prepare the first sea trials of the ship.
According to Naval Group on-board trials manager Didier Trehin, the vessel carries the most ‘recent and efficient technologies on board’.
The first sea trial is being conducted as per schedule.
As per the contractual commitment, the ship is expected to be delivered in 2022.
The FREMM programme is advancing according to the schedule set by the last Military Planning Law (LPM).
So far seven FREMMs have been delivered to the French Navy from 2012 to last year.
These include Aquitaine in 2012, Provence in 2015, Languedoc in 2016, Auvergne in 2017, Bretagne in 2018, Normandie in 2019 and Alsace in 2021.
Of the FREMM series, Morocco received the frigate, named Mohammed VI, in 2014, while Egypt took the delivery of Tahya Misr the following year.