BMT Asset Performance has launched a new maritime legislation database (MLD) for the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) at the 9th Maritime Safety Forum held in Abbeywood.
The new and improved database was launched in partnership with the Defence Maritime Regulator (DMR), and is specifically intended for the MoD defence equipment and support (DE&S) community.
BMT's new database tool will enable duty holders for platforms, equipment and operations to have an easier platform to demonstrate compliance with the applicable safety and environmental protection legislation.
BMT Asset Performance was assisted in the development by its sister company BMT Defence Services, which provides ship design and technical support. The company provided enhanced functionality, involving the ability to integrate compliance status into an industry standard template.
The utilisation of the company’s current ‘live’ database, in addition to being able to routinely update the status, helps eliminate the need for costly legislative compliance reassessment processes.
BMT Asset Performance managing director Mike Prince said: “Being able to deliver a consistent approach by centrally capturing and managing the legislative requirements was key.
“The MLD now enables the DMR to manage and share vital information in a much more coherent way.”
The legislation database has been developed and maintained for use by the DMR, and the MLD will provide project teams with a central source of current legislative information as well as a pan-organisation overview of compliance performance.
Image: Maritime legislation database launched to offer improved safety and environmental protection. Photo: courtesy of BMT Group Ltd.