
The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) has entered into a new framework agreement with Kongsberg to renew their maritime simulation co-operation.

As part of the agreement, a ten-year, long-term system support programme (LTSSP) extension has been signed to provide the latest simulation technology, and upgrade DALO’s existing Kongsberg simulators to the new K-Sim Navigation simulator platform.

The renewed cooperation will enable Kongsberg to deliver its simulation systems along with service support at DALO’s training centres in Denmark and cater to the future maritime simulation needs of Denmark’s armed forces.

The new, user-oriented, K-Sim Navigation simulator is fitted with an advanced physical engine and advanced hydrodynamic modelling, enabling vessels, objects and equipment to enact scenarios in real life.

"Our new framework agreement enables DALO and Kongsberg to build up competence and functionality that will offer tangible and significant benefits in training."

Kongsberg Maritime area sales manager Bjarne Torkelsen said: "Our new framework agreement enables DALO and Kongsberg to build up competence and functionality that will offer tangible and significant benefits in training.

"It provides stability for DALO in terms of maritime simulator capabilities today, and in the future, ensuring high-uptime at its simulator parks through dedicated support services and access to the latest advances in simulation technology to enhance training."

In 2012, Kongsberg was contracted by DALO to deliver four DNV Class B part task bridge simulators for the Danish Home Guard School.

Additional deliveries included instructor and debrief stations, and integrated with real vessel equipment to provide enhanced physical realism for the trainees.

Image: A man using a ship simulator. Photo: courtesy of Kongsberg Maritime AS.