The Indian Navy has awarded a INR200bn ($3.17bn) contract to defence public sector unit (PSU) Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers to build three new advanced stealth frigates.

Under the contract, GRSE will be responsible for the construction of three ships, out of a total seven Project 17A-class frigates orderd by the Indian Navy.

The other four ships are schduled to be constructed at Mumbai’s Mazagon Docks.

GRSE chairman and managing director rear admiral A K Verma said: "This is the highest-ever order which GRSE has got. This shows how much trust the government and the navy has on us. It is a big shot in the arm for us.

"Frigates are one-man army which can attack under water, surface level and also at air. It can also carry helicopters and has detection abilities as well."

"Frigates are one-man army which can attack under water, surface level and also at air. It can also carry helicopters and has detection abilities as well. It will become the most potent weapon of the Indian Navy."

GRSE plans to begin the construction of the ships once the final design is ready. It is estimated that the first ship will be complete by 2023.

Verma stated that the ships delivered at one-year intervals, with construction of all the vessels scheduled for delivery within the next ten years.

GRSE is currently constructing 15 ships for the Indian navy, including three anti-submarine warfare corvettes, eight landing craft utilities and four water jet fast attack crafts.