Global science and technology company Leidos has secured a new prime contract from the US Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) Systems Center Atlantic in the US.
The deal will see Leidos deliver technical expertise for the sustainment and update of the Distributed Common Ground System – Navy (DCGS-N) Family of Systems (FoS).
DCGS-N operates as the US Navy’s shipboard and ashore intelligence enterprise, and is the navy’s primary intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and targeting support capability.
The intelligence enterprise provides processing, exploitation and dissemination services at the operational and tactical levels of warfare, which are important for the operational commander's battlespace awareness and netcentric operations.
Leidos will provide technical assessment and evaluation, programme definition, organisation, and direction as part of the follow-on contract in support of DCGS-N FoS, which includes the development of long-term and short-term plans.
Leidos Defence and Intelligence president Tim Reardon said: “Leidos has demonstrated innovative technical expertise and guidance for DCGS-N since the programme's inception more than ten years ago.
“We look forward to applying our integrated multi-service systems engineering approach to provide SPAWAR with the best solutions to remain interoperable with other service DCGS FoS.”
The single-award cost-plus-fixed-fee contract is valued at approximately $43m and has a one-year base period with an additional one-year option.
The company will also be responsible for formulating, guiding and directing the evaluation approach, as well as defining and negotiating with agency personnel for the provision of necessary resources.
Work on the project will be mainly carried out across the US, including Suitland, Maryland; San Diego, California; Charleston, South Carolina; Norfolk, Virginia; and Fallon, Nevada.