Danish engineering company Brüel & Kjær has been awarded a design development agreement to deliver a hull vibration monitoring system (HVME) for the British Royal Navy's new Type 26 global combat ship (T26 GCS).
The agreement has been awarded by BAE Systems, which is currently undertaking the Type 26 multirole warship development programme in cooperation with the UK Ministry of Defence.
HVME is a modular, scalable platform, based on Brüel & Kjær’s COTS PULSE data acquisition and analysis system.
The system will help reduce the vessel’s radiated noise signature once integrated into the T26 GCS, as well as provide it with self-noise monitoring capabilities to ensure the ship’s acoustic signature management.
HVME facilitates acoustic signature management by monitoring structure-borne noise, and also supplies vibroacoustic data to assist ship staff in the control of machinery, hydrodynamic and propeller cavitation noise sources.
The platform is a customer-specific solution featuring a network of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) sensors, data acquisition, and vibration measurement / analysis and listening capabilities.
HVME offers instant control of the vessel's radiated sound with the help of permanently-installed sensor arrays, which are deployed internally to the ship's structure.
Brüel & Kjær’s system also provides continuous vibration monitoring of the ship’s hull, in addition to helping crew members maintain a low noise signature.
The new Type 26 GCSs will replace the navy’s eight anti-submarine warfare (ASW) Type 23 frigates.
The T26 GCS has been developed to carry out a wide range of roles from high-intensity warfare to humanitarian assistance, and will serve as an efficient ASW warship able to operate both independently and as part of a task group.