The Polish Ministry of Defence has selected Navantia’s offer in a ‘shortlist’ alongside two other finalists for Poland’s Technology Transfer (ToT) programme.
If selected, Navantia will build three frigates under the ToT programme.
Last month, the Polish Armaments Inspectorate (AI) ordered three coastal defence frigates from a consortium led by Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa (Polish Armaments Group, PGZ) as part of the Miecznik programme.
The Miecznik programme was launched by the Polish Government.
This programme envisages the construction of three multi-mission frigates at the local PGZ naval shipyard in Gdynia through a ToT contract with an international firm.
It is part of a strategic plan launched by the Polish Government to upgrade its Armed Forces with an investment of €115bn until 2035.
Navantia is currently participating in the viability phase to propose a design for the project that adheres to the requirements of the Polish Armaments Inspectorate.
The Polish Ministry of Defence is expected to finalise the decision on the contractor by next year.
Navantia’s offer is based on the design of the F-100 multipurpose frigate, which is currently in service with the Spanish Navy.
Navantia commercial and business development director Javier Herrador said: “Navantia is ready to have a local presence in Poland in order to support the construction and sustainment of the ships.
“We are proud to offer the Polish Navy a collaboration model that has proven to be of mutual benefit and that will allow Poland, a friend and ally, to have a highly technological naval defence capability, proven both by the Spanish Navy and by other international clients.”
Last month, Navantia and its subcontractors successfully completed the tropicalisation of the Royal Norwegian Navy’s second Fridjof Nansen-class (F310) frigate, HNoMS F-311 Roald Amundsen.