QinetiQ Australia has won a five-year extension to its mine warfare maintenance facility (MWMF) support contract with the Royal Australian Navy (RAN).

The extension will see the company continue providing mine warfare equipment and support services at HMAS Waterhen in Sydney.

The initial MWMF support contract was awarded in 2017 to develop a sovereign mine warfare training capability for the Australian Defence Forces (ADF).

As part of the contract, QinetiQ worked together with the RAN and other mine warfare communities, including Mine Warfare and Clearance Diving (MCD) and Mine Warfare and Clearance Diving System Programme Office (MCDSPO).

Since 2018, all the teams have been working together to expand training capabilities against the increasing naval mines and emerging threats.

Under the extension contract, the company will further support the training capabilities, through the sustainment, maintenance and engineering of complex mine warfare training aids.

QinetiQ is providing the training aids on behalf of the Maritime Explosive Ordnance System Programme Office (MEOSPO).

MEOSPO East director Lawrence McDougall said: “QinetiQ has worked closely with MEOSPO to support RAN and the Mine warfare training Capability.

“The ability of QinetiQ team to change and adapt to meet new and demanding requirements required by the RAN has led to the extension of their current contract.”

Currently, QinetiQ’s specialist, engineers and technicians are also working with RAN’s stakeholders to design and manufacture several other complex training product lines, including smart mine sensor package.

The new product line will be based on specific MCD community inputs and user requirements to further enhance the training capability at HMAS Waterhen.

QinetiQ Australia managing director Greg Barsby said: “As the capability has grown it has been great to see the user groups collaborating to challenge their crews against real world representative threats in challenging scenarios.”