Raytheon has been ordered to integrate the Naval Strike Missile (NSM) into the US Marine Corps’ (USMC) existing force structure.

The company was selected to perform the task under a $47.59m Other Transaction Authority agreement with the Marine Corps Systems Command.

Augmenting the USMC’s arsenal with the NSM supports the 2018 National Defense Strategy and Commandant of the Marine Corps modernisation efforts.

Produced in partnership with Norway and Kongsberg, the NSM can be launched from land or sea.

NSM is a long-range, precision strike missile that is capable of detecting and destroying heavily defended land and sea targets located at long distances.

The missile is intended to be used as the US Navy’s over-the-horizon weapon system for littoral combat ships and future frigates.

Raytheon bagged a contract last year to manufacture and deliver NSM to the service.

The planned integration of the anti-ship missile into USMC’s structure is expected to enhance joint interoperability. The move will also help reduce costs and logistical burdens.

“This fifth-generation missile adds another dimension for sea control operations and for protection from adversary warships.”

Raytheon Air Warfare Systems vice-president Kim Ernzen said: “This fifth-generation missile adds another dimension for sea control operations and for protection from adversary warships.”

NSM features the ‘sea-skimming’ capability and can fly at very low altitudes over land or sea.

Kongsberg Defence and Aerospace president Eirik Lie said: “We are very pleased to expand the user community. The NSM is now selected by the US Navy and Marine Corps, Norwegian, Polish and Malaysian Navies from both ships and land-based coastal defence.

“It is an off-the-shelf and non-developmental fifth-generation strike missile system that can be rapidly deployed for operational use.”