Saab has successfully carried out firings of the Saab Lightweight Torpedo (SLWT) from a surface ship and a submarine.

The first tests were performed together with the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) and Swedish Armed Forces.

The firing tests were conducted at sea ranges outside Karlskrona, on Sweden’s east coast in the Baltic Sea.

Conducted from a Gotland-class submarine and from a Visby-class corvette, the firings verified the safe launch of the torpedo from the platforms.

It also included proof of the integration on the vessels and SLWT’s target seeker.

In 2016, the FMV ordered the torpedo to be deployed on Sweden’s submarine fleet and corvettes.

Separately in January 2018, under the Squadron 2000 Mid-Life Upgrade programme, the Finnish Navy ordered for the SLWT.

As part of the Squadron 2020 programme, the Finnish Navy will operate the system on-board the upgraded Hamina-class vessels and Pohjanmaa-class corvettes.

Saab business area Dynamics head Görgen Johansson said: “The Saab Lightweight Torpedo will provide the Swedish and Finnish Navy with the ability to deter and if necessary, destroy hostile underwater and surface threats.

“Having completed these tests successfully is a major milestone in this joint project.”

With a fully digital homing system, the SLWT can be adapted for missions in difficult littoral underwater conditions.

Designed for operations in deeper seas, the system holds the ability to offer fire-and-forget and wire-guided operation.

It can be launched from multiple platforms, including surface ships, helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft and submarines.