The UK Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) has launched a competition to develop various system demonstrators to help troops safely and stealthily advance into enemy territory over water.
The competition will run on behalf of the Defence and Science Technology Laboratory (Dstl) and aims to develop semi-autonomous reconnaissance and survey system that can tackle some of the key issues of gap crossing survey.
Contracts under the first phase will run for no longer than ten months, culminating in a demonstration of the systems in a representative environment at technology readiness level (TRL) 5.
In this phase, successful submissions will demonstrate a clear plan to a TRL 5 demonstrator, with details of how the technology would be taken forward to a Phase II, TRL 6 (technology model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment) demonstration.
The demonstration is expected to run for two weeks at a wet-gap site in the UK.
DASA will consider the wider proposal for fielding and deploying the final system.
A launch and collaboration event will be held for the DASA competition where the topic will be introduced to interested suppliers.
The suppliers will also get an opportunity to network and form collaborations to integrate complementary technologies together.
Phase I project funding is expected to be £1.2m. DASA plans to fund three to four bids as part of this phase. A further £2.5m in funding is anticipated for activities under Phase II.