The US Marine Corps’ (USMC) 1st Marine Aircraft Wing (MAW) and the US Navy’s 7th Fleet have practised tactics and simulated strikes in the Pacific.

The joint rehearsal was conducted off the coast of Okinawa in Japan.

Planners coordinated their efforts from the Indo-Pacific locations in Okinawa, mainland Japan, and onboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson.

F/A-18C, E, and F variants, E-2D, and KC-130J aircraft took part in the training between the two services.

Jeremy Siegel, 1st MAW current operations officer and exercise lead planner lieutenant colonel, said: “This training offered a vital opportunity to practice lethal maritime actions with elements of the navy and Marine Corps operating against a peer adversary.

“This was extremely valuable because it allowed us to further refine our tactics, techniques and procedures for carrying out joint maritime strikes and it also provided us the opportunity to practice command and control of a diverse organisational structure.”

To maintain operational readiness, the US forces in the Indo-Pacific frequently train and rehearse maritime mission sets.

The routine mission sets involve performing various operational tasks that ensure peace and security in the region.

The training also ensures the US armed forces train and operate with each other and boost ties with regional alliances and partnerships.

Carrier Strike Group One commander rear admiral Dan Martin said: “The US Navy is committed to consistent forward presence in the Indo-Pacific region.

“As part of the larger US Joint Force and alongside our allies and partners, our strategy is simple. To develop and maintain warfighting capabilities, readiness, and sustainment necessary to guarantee freedom in the maritime domain.

“We train and rehearse so that, if necessary, we can act in the global community’s interest in upholding the rules-based international order that has ensured the sovereignty and prosperity of all nations.”