Concept: Ohio-based integrated life science company Meridian Bioscience has introduced two new master mixes, Lyo-Ready Direct DNA qPCR Saliva Mix and Lyo-Ready Direct RNA/DNA qPCR Saliva Mix, that can detect DNA and RNA in crude saliva samples. This RT-qPCR master mix with lyophilization compatibility is said to be ideal for high-throughput and point-of-care diagnostic assays.
Nature of Disruption: Lyo-Ready qPCR master mix is a glycerol-free formulation that contains reaction buffer, Taq (Thermostable DNA) polymerase, dNTP (deoxyribose nucleotide triphosphate), lyo-excipients, and MgCl2 (Magnesium chloride). They’re designed to work with processed saliva or sputum samples for improved sensitivity and protocol flexibility. The mix is ready-to-use, requiring only the insertion of primers and probes for further optimization. It can be used in liquid format or lyophilized. The mixtures are lyophilized to make ambient temperature-stable tests for point-of-care applications. It’s ideal for creating lyophilized multiplex qPCR diagnostic tests at room temperature, as well as high-throughput, automated platforms with millisecond rehydration times. Using saliva samples and direct qPCR methods, both mixes speed up the development of diagnostic assays and enhance assay sensitivity.
Outlook: Saliva is a non-invasive clinical sample that can be used to diagnose diseases such as cancer, HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), and respiratory infections. Saliva is one of the easiest samples to collect and handle, but the high concentrations of PCR (polymerase chain reaction inhibitors) in the sample make implementing highly sensitive and reliable saliva-based diagnostics difficult. The demand for direct saliva testing has surged with the rise in COVID-19 infections caused by the Omicron variant, as well as a quick increase in other respiratory diseases. Meridian Bioscience claims to be the first company to provide a full solution for anyone working on a saliva-based molecular assay, whether liquid, lyophilized, or air-dried. Direct RT-qPCR saliva assays provide quick and easy sample analysis, enhance logistics, and lower sample handling and transportation costs.
This article was originally published in Verdict.co.uk