Schill Reglerteknik AB is a weapon alignment products and services supplier. The company was founded in 1986 and has been supplying its products in 25 countries around the world.
Fault detection and tracing in naval weapon systems
Today’s naval C4ISR systems are far more complex, integrated and capable than previous weapon system generations. However, even if they include the latest autonomous functions and ammunition, they still must control the weapons with sufficient accuracy to destroy the target. The control function is critical, and poor performance would put the ship and cooperating ships at risk. So how can customers verify that the complete system from the sensor (tracker) to the weapon is functioning correctly?
The problem
Each ship should carry out extensive firing tests in all possible scenarios and environmental conditions to verify the performance of the weapon system. However, performing this task is very expensive and time-consuming, and is, therefore, not realistic. In addition, the results of firing tests are quite hard to analyse. Generally, the control function is verified through a series of complex steps such as simulation in the design phase, static and dynamic alignment after installation, built-in function supervision in run-time, and acquired experience of firing tests over time. Schill has conducted weapon system alignment for many different customers for the past 30 years. Schill repeatedly experienced that their accurate and versatile alignment equipment detected previously unknown malfunctions in the weapon systems. Some of the malfunctions were not even known to the customer ten years after the weapon system commissioning.
The solution
The Aligner 308 Mk2 System
Schill has developed advanced tools for detection and tracing of faults and inaccuracies in weapon systems in connection with static and dynamic alignment. The fault-finding tools feature a set of special software functions and procedures integrated with the Aligner 308 Ship Alignment System and the Aligner 224 Optical Tracking Evaluation System. They systematically check the angular errors of trackers and guns, first, with the ship alongside at dock, and then, during a subsequent sea trial. The tests include the complete chain of fire control from the sensor to the weapon, except prediction (of the point of impact) and ballistics. Based on the automatically presented results, customers can often trace a detected error to a specific weapon control function. Schill’s tools have demonstrated optimal efficiency in providing meticulous alignment for gun systems, which require the highest level of accuracy and precision.
The Aligner 224 Mk4 System
Who is it for
The Aligner 308 Mk2 and the Aligner 224 Mk4 systems, including the software tool for fault detection and tracing, are suitable for all weapon system manufacturers and integrators, naval shipyards, and navies who need to verify the performance of the weapon control function recurrently or after installation or modernisation of the weapon system, or after upgrading of its software.
Summary of benefits
- Faults can be detected with the ship moored in harbour instead of during a sea trial
- The tools offer a systematic technique of verifying weapon system performance and finding faults
- More cost-efficient and easier to analyse compared to firing tests
- The systems enable detection and tracing of errors, which otherwise might stay undetected for years
- The software is integrated with Schill’s new Aligner 308 and Aligner 224 systems
- Upgrade of previously delivered systems can be done conveniently by installing a software package
For further information, please contact Schill Reglerteknik at info@schill.se or visit their website.