The Australian Government has announced that it is to allocate $214m for the next stage of the future submarine project.
A part of the fund will be allocated to detailed studies and analysis for the Government’s decision on the design of Australian Navy’s acquisition of 12 new submarines over the next three decades.
The studies will include design, scientific and technological studies and a future submarine industry skills plan.
DCNS, HDW and Navantia will conduct military off-the-shelf design studies, initial design studies for an updated Collins-class submarine, analyse options and capability modelling by US, in support of Australian future submarine project.
Scientific and technological studies include propulsion and energy storage, signatures and stealth performance, combat systems and Hydrodynamics, propellers and pumpjets.
The Australian Government will initially select design and test facilities following the acquisition of Future Submarine Industry Skills Plan.
Following the work results, the government will select the combat systems, torpedoes, sensors and other weapons systems in 2013, with first pass approval scheduled for late 2013 or early 2014.
Construction of the submarine will begin following the second pass approval, scheduled for around 2017.
The Australian Government has slashed the nuclear submarine procurement option due to defence budget cuts.