The French Navy has officially commissioned the first experimental Gowind-class offshore patrol vessel (OPV), L’Adroit after it received the OPV in October 2011.
The L’Adroit vessel was delivered to the Navy for a three-year trial period to perform extensive tests on the ship and its advanced equipment and systems until 2014.
Designed and built by DCNS under a self-funded programme, the 87m-long Gowind OPV has a full load displacement capacity of 1,450t, provides three weeks’ blue-water endurance, a range of 8,000nm and can cruise at a speed of 21k.
Launched in May 2011, the OPV can accommodate an organic helicopter and Schiebel-developed Camcopter S-100 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as well as 30 passengers.
Equipped with Scanter 20 Terma 01 I-Band surface search radar and Sagem electro optical multi-sensor system (EOMS) NG, the vessel will also provide the navy with 220 days a year of at-sea-availability during operational missions.
The ship will be primarily used to conduct maritime surveillance and reconnaissance missions as well as maritime safety and security (MSS) missions including anti-piracy and anti smuggling operations, environmental protection, humanitarian assistance, and search and rescue at sea.
Officially christened in June 2011, the OPV successfully completed its first sea trials in July 2011, during which the ship’s firefighting, flood control, other safety systems, propulsion system and vessel manoeuvrability were tested.
The unmanned vehicle, which completed trials in August 2011, is capable of operating in any atmospheric conditions both on land and at sea, has a beyond line-of-sight capability of 200km, and does not require supporting launch or recovery equipment.