Kongsberg’s Maritime hydroacoustic package has been selected by Saab for integration on two Swedish Navy A19 submarines.
As part of the contract, Kongsberg will deliver SA9510S mine avoidance and navigation sonar, as well as its EM 2040 Dual RX multibeam echosounder.
Capable of generating target warnings or alarms with required time available to execute an avoidance manoeuvre, the SA9510S sonar detect mines, obstacles and the seafloor.
The sonar also delivers information to crew for bottom navigation purposes and submerged navigation, and can perform mine-seeking missions.
Kongsberg Maritime Naval sonar product sales manager Thomas Hostvedt Dahle said: "With this sonar solution selected for both the Swedish submarines and Norwegian submarines, Kongsberg Maritime will have delivered active navigation sonars to the two leading submarine nations specialising in operation in shallow water.
"This contract features our state-of-the-art navigation and avoidance sonar, in addition to our flagship multibeam system."
The contract also includes the delivery of an improved version of EM2040 Dual RX multibeam echosounder system with two TX-transmitters and two RX-receivers.
The echosounder is used for mapping in shallow areas at higher speeds and provides A19 crews with precise survey information and enhanced range performance at improved resolutions.
Image: Kongsberg’s SA9510S sonar will help detect mines, obstacles and the seafloor. Photo: courtesy of Kongsberg Maritime AS.