EID’s integrated communications control system fetures a full integration of all internal and external communications resources, including remote functions. It’s powerful, comprehensive control and supervision tool gives the system high survivability and reliability. The embedded training facilities allow the set-up of a communications training environment; coexisting with normal operation, it enables on-board users to develop their operational prociency. The communication system contains unique operational characteristics, namely through the concept of communication plans (Complans); an extremely efficient management of resources is achieved, as well as the capability to react quickly to changes on the operational scenario.
Main characteristics of the ICCS include:
- Cost-effective, modular system design
- Open system, based on widely accepted standards and technology, thus guaranteeing easy, fast and cost-effective integration of communication equipment and subsystems of any manufacturer
- Interfaces with the combat systemm enabling the transfer of information between both systems
- Inherent upgrade and growth capabilities, both in terms of configuration and technological evolution
- Flexible architecture, suitable for any type of warship
- State-of-the-art technology
ICCS is indeed a step ahead in terms of shipboard communications management, supporting high-level concepts such as COMPLANS and on-board training facilities.
The system features a centralised control, with an appealing, intuitive and powerful human interface, that turns the control and
management of the ship’s communications into a simple and trivial task, requiring a minimum of skilled personnel.