
The success of maritime defence missions is dependent on reliable and secure command and communication solutions that allow quick decision-making. An integrated navigation system as well as maritime communication systems enable secure voice and data communication across military assets.

Maritime communication systems should be interception and jam-resistant with flexible designs to enable future upgrades.

Discover leading suppliers of maritime communication systems and maritime C4 equipment

Naval Technology has listed suppliers of military communication systems, including wireless intercoms, radio communication systems and satellite navigation, based on in-depth knowledge and expertise in the sector.

The list includes suppliers of radar display, tracking and navigation systems, electro-optical systems, tactical internet protocol (IP) radios, transceivers, satellite communication (SATCOM) systems, and ship navigation systems, along with headsets, microphones and emergency handsets.

The information contained within the download document is designed for vessel system support officers, marine electronics engineers, telecommunications systems engineers and consultants, chief electronics engineers, and senior systems engineers.

The download contains detailed information on suppliers and their product lines as well as contact details to aid your purchasing decision.

Related Buyer’s Guides which cover an extensive range of naval technology, manufacturers and solutions, can also be found here.

Types of maritime communication systems

Maritime communication systems used in the naval sector can be classified as internal and external.

Internal communication systems support contact and communication within a naval platform as well as enabling communication with external communication systems. Examples of internal systems include:

  • User stations
  • Telephone and fax systems
  • Alarms and public address systems, including loudspeakers, headsets and microphones
  • Helicopter or aircraft communication systems
  • Wireless handset systems

External naval communication systems

External communication systems facilitate communication between various naval and submarine platforms, shore stations and satellite terminals. Examples of external systems include:

  • Radio communication systems, including ultra-high frequency (UHF), very high frequency (VHF), high frequency (HF) and very low frequency (VLF) transceivers
  • HF data modems
  • Data terminals and link processors
  • SATCOM systems, including X-Band, Ku-Band and UHF-Band
  • Encryption and decryption systems
  • Maritime distress systems
  • Antenna systems
  • Message handling systems
  • Surveillance and identification systems, such as transponders and interrogators

Features of an integrated navigation system

Integrated navigation systems on naval platforms and submarines comprise various equipment that enable them to safely navigate uncharted and dangerous ocean waters while completing critical missions under command and control. The systems provide three-dimensional locations of naval platforms as well as high-precision pointing.

Components of an integrated navigation system include:

  • GPS positioning systems
  • Radio and satellite navigation systems
  • Accelerometers and gyrocompasses
  • Electronic chart display information systems
  • Navigational aids, such as navigational lights, sensors, radars, sonars and fathometers

For full details (including contact details) on the leading companies within this space, download the free Buyer’s Guide below:

Frequently asked questions

  • What are maritime communication systems?

    Maritime communication systems are technologies used by naval platforms to facilitate secure and reliable communication both internally and externally. These systems include radios, satellite communications (SATCOM), and encrypted messaging systems to ensure effective coordination during naval missions.

  • How do internal communication systems work on naval vessels?

    Internal communication systems on naval vessels manage communication between personnel and equipment. They include user stations, alarms, public address systems, and communication links to aircraft, ensuring smooth operations across the vessel.

  • What role do external communication systems play in naval operations?

    External systems connect naval vessels with other platforms, shore stations, and satellite terminals. These include radio communication systems like VHF, UHF, and satellite communication bands, which are critical for real-time mission coordination and fleet management.

  • How is data security maintained in naval communications?

    Data security is ensured through encryption and decryption systems, protecting sensitive communications from interception or jamming during naval operations. These systems safeguard tactical data, ensuring mission integrity.

  • What is an integrated navigation system in naval platforms?

    Integrated navigation systems combine GPS, sonar, radar, and other sensors to provide precise positioning and navigation in complex maritime environments. These systems are essential for safe navigation and mission execution in uncharted waters.