
The SSM of the Government of Turkey has announced today that the partnership formed by Navantia and SEDEF, the Turkish shipyard, has been selected for first place for the design and construction of one LHD and four LCM landing crafts for the Turkish navy.

Navantia will provide the design, transfer of technology, equipments and technical assistance to SEDEF for local construction. In addition to the design, based on the LHD ‘Juan Carlos I’ for the Spanish navy, Navantia will also provide several components and systems, such as the engines, the turbine and the integrated platform management system (IPMS).

Navantia has been selected due to the fact that it is a built and proven design in the case of LHD Juan Carlos I, and a very advanced construction in the case of LHD ‘Canberra’ and LHD ‘Adelaide’ for the Royal Australian Navy.

Last, this contract means the entrance of Navantia in the Turkish market, where it is also presenting the F-100 frigates, and the consolidation of Navantia as a reference in the LHD market.