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Marine Acoustics Inc


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Naval Consulting and Engineering Services

Marine Acoustics INC (MAI) is a scientific and engineering company, offering a broad spectrum of consulting and engineering services to a diverse set of government, corporate, and international clients.

4350 N. Fairfax Drive,
Suite 600,
Arlington, VA 22203,
United States of America
Fax Number

Marine Acoustics INC (MAI) is a scientific and engineering company, offering a broad spectrum of consulting and engineering services to a diverse set of government, corporate, and international clients.

The company’s areas of expertise include marine environmental compliance services, undersea warfare design, test and evaluation services, and sea test planning supported by an award-winning and internationally recognised research and development programme.

Naval technology and training

MAI’s naval systems support staff provide a high level of expertise and experience in all aspects of naval system design, development, test and evaluation, and training services. MAI offers support to a wide range of system development programmes, including, airborne, surface, and submarine applications. The support is based on years of experience in both operations and training.

Towed array deployment.
MAI has played a major role in developing the tools needed to support the rapidly growing field of marine environmental management.
US Navy Destroyer DDG and US Navy ASW Helo (SH-2) Flight Ops-1.
US Navy Fast Attack Submarine (SSN) surfaced.
Vertical Depth Sonar (VDS) array deployment.
Offshore oil rig sound sampling.
Retrieving umbrella array.
MAI's sound sampling equipment.
MAI's Acoustic Integration Model (AIM) marine mammal acoustic impact.
Dolphin swimming over umbrella array.

A hallmark of MAI’s experience is the planning and execution of large multi-platform sea-tests for various US Navy Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) programmes, enabled by MAI’s unique and proprietary underwater acoustic prediction and analytical software. MAI has also been a principal Test and Evaluation (T&E) consultant on a number of major acoustic detection systems and contributed to the development of a variety of acoustic decision aids, planning tools and analytical software currently in use by several government agencies. Related technology and training projects include:

  • Submarine Sonar (AN/BQQ-10) Test & Evaluation
  • Undersea Warfare Advanced Development
  • Littoral Combat Ship ASW Mission Module Developmental Testing
  • Submarine Combat System (AN/BYG-1) Development Support
  • NAVAIR SH-2G(E) Helicopter Tactics and Training for the Egyptian Air Force
  • Integrated Undersea Surveillance System (IUSS)
  • Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System (SURTASS)
  • Low Frequency Active (LFA) and Compact Low Frequency Active (CLFA) Testing

Environmental services

MAI has played a major role in developing the tools needed to support the rapidly growing field of marine environmental management. MAI pioneered the first global environmental impact statement on the impact of low-frequency sound on the marine environment. Today, MAI provides environmental support services to the US and foreign government agencies, as well as a variety of commercial entities.

As with all of MAI’s technical services, personnel are recognised for both their expertise and a broad base of experience in environmental issues. Our staff members serve on a number of panels and oversight committees, including the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) Joint Industry Programme (JIP), the independent panel on the impact of sound on marine mammals, and the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) panel on the impact of sound on fish and turtles. Our services also include virtual modelling tools for impact assessment, database development, and fly-away team support for a full range of environmental assessment activities. Related environmental services projects include:

  • Acoustic Analysis of Block Island and Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind Farm Pile Driving Activity
  • Environmental Compliance Support for Use of Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System Low‐Frequency Active (SURTASS LFA) Sonar Systems
  • Fram Strait Environmental Assessment for the EU
  • Underwater Noise Study on Whale Communications in Stellwagen Bank Sanctuary

Marine research and development

MAI is a world leader in the development and application of a wide range of engineering and scientific analytical acoustic models, supporting both naval systems development and environmental engineering and science issues. MAI’s proprietary Acoustic Integration Model (AIM) is a one-of-a-kind 4D acoustic propagation and Monte-Carlo simulation tool that supports both naval systems development and environmental engineering and science issues. AIM is used extensively in the development of naval Tactical Decision Aids (TDAs) and Mission Planning Tools (MPTs) and is critical to MAI’s environmental compliance planning and assessment activities for numerous marine and terrestrial research programmes.

We are a major recipient of Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR), Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) and Department of Defense Rapid Innovation Fund (DOD-RIF) awards, in which we have often been partnered with major universities, research laboratories, integrators, and other small businesses. Related marine research and development related projects include:

  • Cooperative Bistatic Sonar Tactical Decision Aid
  • Theater Anti-Submarine Warfare (TASW) Mission Planning Tool (MPT)
  • JIP’s New Research Programme on the Effects of Industry Sounds on Marine Animals
  • Marine Mammal Mitigation Decision Aid (M3DA)
  • Marine Assessment, Decision, and Planning Tool (MADPT)
  • Discovery of Sound in the Sea (DOSITS)
  • Florida National Ocean Partnership Project (NOPP)

MAI’s approach to developing solutions to client needs is based on a high level of staff expertise and experience in the marine environment and defence-related programmes. MAI has been at the forefront of the development of technology and support services for the emerging needs of regional and national security and environmental issues in both governments and industry.

Technical staff members hold advanced degrees in all aspects of engineering, biology, and environmental science and serve on numerous national and international advisory committees. Many are former mid-grade and senior military officers with years of expertise in Navy Operations Analysis (OA). MAI’s senior scientific staff are widely published in peer-reviewed journals and often invited speakers at international forums and educational workshops.

Press Releases

Marine Acoustics Inc
4350 N. Fairfax Drive
Suite 600
Arlington, VA 22203
United States of America

Fax Number