The design and construction of ten ANZAC Class frigates was completed for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) and Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN) to provide a patrol frigate with anti-ship missile defence, damage control and ship survivability as key capabilities. Rubicon Associates was contracted to perform detailed structural static and dynamic analysis and provide design change recommendations on the proposed installation of a new onboard training, assessment and qualification system for the ANZAC Class Ship.
The scope of work was to:
- Perform Shock Load, Service Load and Modal Vibration Analysis in accordance with the relevant specifications and standards on several installations
- Identify any structural regions of concern and use expert judgement to design effective mitigation measures to eliminate these regions
- Provide BAE Systems with a detailed report outlining the appropriateness of the proposed installations, as well as a summary of effective mitigations for implementation
The outcome
Rubicon Associates was able to complete expert structural analysis on each of the installations. Our team collaborated with the client to successfully develop, validate and implement design changes in a short time frame. Support was also provided to pass major project milestones.