
EID has been awarded a contract to supply communication systems for armoured vehicles.

The company will provide the vehicles to an undisclosed nation of the Middle East to support its army’s tactical communications modernisation programme.

Under the multimillion contract, the company will modernise several types of armoured vehicles by integrating internal and external communications with ICC-201 and ICC-251 intercom systems.

The contract also includes the transfer of technology, local production and maintenance capabilities to the end user.

EID secured another contract to provide ICC-201 intercom systems to fast patrol boats of a southeast Asia navy. The contract includes support services to the local integrator and end user.

Designed for use in harsh environments such as armoured vehicles and fast patrol boats, EID’s intercom systems establishes an integrated end-to-end information and communication network for shared situational awareness between crew members inside a vehicle or boat.

Externally, it includes radio equipment providing voice and data communications, either over the air or via standard copper or either ruggedised fibre optic cables.

The intercom system serves as the centre of voice and data communications for all types of armoured vehicles and patrol boats, allowing integration of various sensors and other equipment, data terminals and radios.

Due to its modern, flexible, modular concept it can be easily adapted and upgraded with minimal impact on the existing installation.