Ocean Acoustic Developments have continued to build on their 34-year history of delivering sonar range prediction software, launching WADER V9.1 ready for 2025. The updates for this release include a new chart rendering engine, upgraded water column and sediment data sets, introduction of seasonal charts and a brand-new 3D Dynamic Area Display – 3D DAD.
The new 3D Dynamic Area Display (see above) allows users to plot and visualise probability of detection for multiple active and passive sonars within the same operational space. This new capability has been well received by the user community and is seen as a significant development to WADER for supporting situational awareness whilst at sea. 3D DAD can be used in conjunction with WADER’s existing probability of detection, raytracing and batch processing tools to rapidly evaluate detection and counter detection ranges. Operators use this data to inform decisions such as establishing optimum sensor settings, deployment positioning and depths.
To learn more about WADER V9.1, contact Ocean Acoustic Developments.