Based in Caudan, France, RTsys specialises in underwater acoustics and drones.
A decade of research and development (R&D), combined with a close cooperation with the French Navy, have enabled RTsys to develop innovative solutions for anti-submarine warfare (ASW), Mines Counter Measures (MCM), passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV).
RTsys products are sea proven and validated by worldwide navies, used in various fields of operation SonaDive handheld sonar for EOD Divers and Special Forces, SEMA ASW training target, SIERA ASW sonar performance check, or also COMET-MCM two men portable AUV and NemoSens µAUV for mine detection, classification and localisation; or harbour and beaching operations.
Anti-submarine warfare
RTsys products are delivered to Navies worldwide for training, torpedo firing exercises and sonar performance check.
SEMA ASW training target is an autonomous, recoverable, acoustic target dedicated to ASW training. Its acoustic features allow training in real condition localisation and submarine tracking. Operable from all kinds of platforms and easy to deploy, navigation routes can be plotted using waypoints or segments and different training modes, including passive, active and combined acoustics, can be programmed. SEMA is reconfigurable in one hour with a spare battery.
SIERA sonar measurement system offers a solution for characterising and calibrating underwater acoustic systems, including hull-mounted sonars, dipping sonars, variable depth sonars (VDS) and buoys. SIERA can also measure radiated noise in the far field. SIERA is a lightweight, autonomous system towed at variable immersion from a dedicated boat. Combined with the surface acquisition and generation unit, SIERA provides easy measurement and characterisation of sonar performances, either in real time or with delayed signal processing.
Autonomous underwater vehicles
AUVs are the best turnkey solution for missions ranging from bathymetry and seabed survey to unexploded ordnance (UXO) detection.
COMET-300 is a two-man portable AUV designed to cover large underwater areas in limited time and with high accuracy by offering precise real-time positioning and adapted sonar imaging capabilities. Thanks to its RTsys core expertise in acoustic communication system and long baseline positioning algorithms, COMET-300 can navigate for up to 20 hours while providing precise positioning information of acquired field data.
NemoSens is a compact AUV designed for multiple applications. Lightweight and modular, its open LINUX architecture allows users to develop their own navigation algorithms for greater flexibility. NemoSens integrates the latest hardware and software development upgrades, making it the best performing micro AUV of its generation. Software functions and measurement sensors can be added on demand.
Mine countermeasures
RTsys offers a complete range of manned and unmanned systems to support navies in their mine warfare operations. Diver-held navigation and sonar systems for mine localisation, detection, classification and neutralisation upgrade safety and efficiency for EOD divers and special forces during MCM operations worldwide.
SonaDive assists divers with navigation and underwater object detection. Two types of forward multibeam imaging sonar help with search and identification, from 0m to 100m with ultra-high-resolution display. The embedded navigation system includes an inertial navigation system (INS), doppler velocity log (DVL), pressure sensors and deployable floating GPS. Native acoustic communication contributes improved navigation, thanks to sparse-LBL technology, and constant accuracy. Divers can communicate with each other and surface units more than 2km away in real time through acoustic modem, sharing contacts and text messages. Using RTsys relay beacons, this distance can be extended up to 5km. Sonar and navigation data are fully recorded allowing mission replay, data analysis and export. Endurance can be extended from six hours by swapping batteries underwater during missions.
COMET-MCM is a 300m operational AUV designed for detection, localization and classification of underwater mines over large areas in limited time. Featuring an acoustic communication system based on LBL positioning algorithms, COMET-MCM can navigate for up to 20 hours with accurate positioning. This allows operators to precisely position field data acquired during missions through the integrated side-scan sonar and camera. COMET-MCM can operate alone, in a fleet (SWARM) or in combination with SonaDive, providing a modular and flexible product for MCM operations of up to 300m depth and at speeds between three and ten knots.
Passive acoustic monitoring
RTsys PAM solutions obtain data on underwater areas using real-time assessment or post-processing analysis of acoustic and multi-parameter monitoring.
Designed for automated and intuitive operations, the RUBHY buoy can record, send and display real-time underwater noise, such as sound exposure level (SEL) and sound pressure level (SPL) across 10km. As well as sound monitoring and transfer, multi-parameter sensors, such as conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD), oxygen, turbidity and pH, can be simultaneously recorded and sent. Specially adapted to offshore conditions, RUBHY can operate in up to Sea State 5 conditions. The buoy is easily deployed and recovered from supply vessels or offshore platforms. The recorder device is located in the dry section of the assembly and is removable, interchangeable and rechargeable.
RESEA is a compact embedded recorder able to acquire up to four broadband hydrophones simultaneously. Its broadband analogue inputs allow more than 500kHz, with a dynamic range greater than 100dB. RESEA can be programmed with a mission schedule, including beginning, sleep and record periods, to improve battery life.
SYLENCE-LP is another compact embedded recorder able to acquire one broadband hydrophone. It has a broadband analogue input allowing more than 250kHz bandwidth and a dynamic range up to 110dB. SYLENCE-LP works autonomously, storing data on up to four SD Cards. Its low power consumption allows six consecutive months of recording on standard alkaline D cells.
Both embedded digital signal processors guarantee efficient signal to noise ratios, accept passive and pre-amplified active hydrophones, and allow high-speed acquisition, filtering and storage.
About RTsys
Founded in 2010, RTsys has always been active in the development of acoustic monitoring devices. RTsys performs in-situ tests and customer demonstrations at an independent sea trial base, and have a network of distributors, as well as a permanent Singapore office, which provide an international presence.