
Wuxi Critical Mechanical Components (WCMC), a subsidiary of TechPrecision, has received certification that it operates a Quality Management System that complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008.

The standard indicates that WCMC adheres to international standards of operation for the fabrication, welding and machining of precision components and equipment.

"Just over a year ago, we launched our WCMC subsidiary in China and in this short time have established a first-class global, and now certified, manufacturing operation," stated James Molinaro, CEO of TechPrecision Corporation.

"The Company has always had a reputation in the industry for excellence in large scale, precision manufacturing and fabrication and achieving ISO certification on our first audit demonstrates WCMC’s commitment to excellence and un-surpassed quality.

Our China management and employees are to be commended for attaining this important certification in such a timely manner. We continually strive to exceed our customers’ expectation and the ISO certification reflects our ongoing focus on this continuous improvement process."