The John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe Center) announced that it awarded Metron Aviation one of three prime contracts under the Transportation Planning, Measurement, Modeling and Assessment (TPMMA) project. The five year contract with a $19.99 million ceiling seeks to understand the effects of aircraft operations, roads and highways, rail transit, maritime, and other transportation sources on the environment.
During the period of performance of five years, the Volpe Center will issue competitive task orders in the areas of transportation and environmental planning; environmental impact measurement; data reduction and analysis; software development; environmental model operation and analyses; sustainability analyses; training and guidance materials development; expert assessments; engineering support; research support; and alternative fuels development and deployment.
"Metron Aviation’s expertise in software development, data analysis and concept engineering, including its work in noise and emissions mitigation, align with the TPMMA program’s mission. A long-time partner of the Volpe Center, Metron looks forward to providing the knowledge and skills needed to support the Volpe Center in its promotion of sustainable transportation practices," said John Kefaliotis, President of Metron Aviation.