We would like to share with you that we have launched a new website.
What and how have we done it?
We have improved web navigation. We would like to make navigation on our website as easy as possible. We have worked on its use and design to make everything the user needs easy to find.
In terms of content, all our boats co-exist under the name of the Rodman brand. We also include a description of our shipyards and their activity with special emphasis on the quality of all our processes, and consequently, of our boats. On this new website, you will be able to view and obtain in-depth information by browsing our three main areas.
You can find all our leisure boats, designed for the senses, to enjoy unique experiences with the highest standards at sea. We explain in detail the characteristics of each boat so that you can imagine that you are onboard. In this section, you can find the latest Rodman products, our Rodman Spirit, and Rodman MUSE range.
Rodman provides one of the most diversified and versatile offers in the sector. Since 1974, we have been designing and building high-speed patrol vessels, especially for surveillance, intervention, and support in defence and security operations. Rodman has specialised in this type of building, where we have achieved prestige and international recognition. In this section, you will see our patrol boats, work boats, and passenger boats.
We have also included a third division for the design and production of composite materials. We have more than 46 years of experience and accrued know-how, placing us in a leading position in the composite materials industry. Discover this section to learn much more about us and the way we work.
We have implemented a web design that is at the service of communication. Also, the entire website follows, as known in the web argot, a ‘responsible design’, so that you can easily view it on your smartphone or tablet with a modern design.
In addition, our website includes a new blog, which will certainly meet the expectations we have set for use, information, and entertainment for our users.
At Rodman, we constantly adapt to new times, and now, we have made this change with the aim of improving and offering our clients a better service by launching a new website.
We want you to get to know us better and keep you updated on the most important news in the sector and all Rodman’s corporate news.
We hope that this new tool proves to be much more intuitive for our clients and that they will be able to better navigate through everything that we offer on the Rodman website. The idea is that there should be a two-way information channel between the client and our brand so that direct contact with the user is easy and quick and the information we offer is as clear as possible.
We also invite you to follow us on our social networks to keep up to date with our publications on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, and Instagram.